Monthly Meetings
The PAS conducts a General Meeting, open to the public, once a month. These meetings include PAS business discussion and a presentation on a topic of general interest to amateur astronomers. Meetings may also include astrophotos by members taken during recent sky events. Information is exchanged in a friendly and social atmosphere following the adjournment of the meeting. Casual observing is sometimes held in the parking lot - weather permitting. See the Events Calendar for dates.
Free membership in The Astronomical League
Access to a secure, dark sky observing site
The Sandras-Paulk Memorial Observing Site (SPMOS) is located in Franklinton, Louisiana, approximately a one hour drive north of New Orleans. The site is situated on three acres of land, surrounded by a developing pine forest. The area is rural and provides a unique setting for observing. Dark skies here are as good as it gets in Southern Louisiana.
- A 3m observa-dome, housing a Celestron 11" Schmidt Cassegrain.
- A utility barn that stores maintenance equipment.
- A heated and air conditioned bunkhouse that sleeps 10, including a bathroom facility consisting of a toilet, sink, shower and new water heater that helps to make the SPMOS one of the finest Dark Sky Observing Sites in the country.
- 120 volt power is available on the observing field & picnic area.
Annual PAS Family Picnic and PAS Christmas Party
These events are open to members only!
Access to the PAS Library
- Past issues of PAS newsletters are stored here in the document library
- Unlimited storage of members astro-photos
Astronomy magazine discounts
As of 2023, Astronomy magazine publishers no longer offer discounts to clubs. Members are encouraged to seek out the best price available from the Web.
Astronomy Day
Observed each year by the PAS with exhibits and a star party for the public
Star Parties
Many informal events are held throughout the year
Community Outreach
- Opportunity for you to share your telescope and knowledge of the night sky with our neighbors
- Brush up on your speaking skills by presenting astronomy topics in the local community or at one of our PAS meetings