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Persied meteor shower
Bill Johnson

Fellow Astronomers,

The Persied Meteor Shower is this weekend. skies are forecast to be clear and no moon until very late (3:00 AM)

There are a few members planning to observe from the SPMOS Dark Site tonight - Saturday 8/12/23.

If you are interested in joining to watch for meteors, head up to the Site and join the group.

Bring a comfy lounge chair or blanket, and lie back to watch the show.

There may even be a few telescopes up.

You might want to bring drinks or snacks if you plan to stay a while.

Also, a few gallons of water to contribute to the current stash would be welcome.

There is limited bunk space if you plan to spend the night.

Sorry for the short notice, but sometimes things just come together quickly.

Hope to have you join the group.

Bill Johnson

Christopher Anglin

I am interested in attending but do not know where the site is....

Jeff Best

Chris, I sent you an email with directions.

John R. Stamm

How was the evening of Persieds?

This meteor shower is what hooked me on Astronomy back in 1978.

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