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Another Option for Total Eclipse Viewing in Texas
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I'll be in Irving Texas visiting family. Should get about 3min 30sec of totality if viewing allows. Watching the cloud cover forecast. Might get lucky. I saw the August 2017 eclipse in Fort Laramie Wyoming. Only had 1min 20sec totality, so this will feel like an eternity! Good luck and best skies to everyone!


I just stumbled across this in Texas, in Mesquite, which is basically a Dallas metro community just to the east of Interstate 635 and just off of US 80 (south side).

It is at a location called Samuell Farm. Here is the link: https://www.ticketsi.../TotalityDallas

I checked it out on Google Maps. When you open the link you can explore further thru the sub-headings.

Note, I will be a bit further west on the western shore of White Rock Lake. I will still have about 3 minutes and 52 seconds of totality and preferable to me as I will be staying at my daughter's home, just a half mile away. (No lodging cost is nice.!smile.gif)

Barry Simon

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