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The Jupiter - Venus Conjunction this week
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All we need now is to have the weather gods smile down on us.

While this conjunction won't be as close as Jupiter and Saturn were a few years ago, it will be a heck of a lot brighter. This, potentially, will be an amazing sight.

Ever since I have been into Astronomy, these events are very exciting to me.

So all TRY to take a look. This may be best as a "naked eye" event!

See the attached image that I put together using Sky Safari. At 7 pm on 3-1-23, one hour after sunset the Jupiter - Venus pair will be 18 degrees above the horizon.

Wednesday is the closest (actually Thursday morning at 5 am when the angular separation of Jupiter and Venus will be 1/2 degree apart one lunar diameter), but we cannot see the pair at that time. However they will appear plenty close in the sky after sunset (or even before sunset) on Wednesday March 1st.

Sorry - I still cannot figure out how to post photos to this forum. I have posted what I would like to show to the site under General Discussion. Please see the image there.


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