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PAS Contractural Use Arrangement with White Horse
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As the Pontchartrain Astronomy Society has lost use of the land where we had our club (SPMOS) observing site for the past 30 years due to sale of the 41 acres that we had, we have entered into an agreement with Carol Nicaud at White Horse for use of the facility there for additional time during the year. Here are the specifics:

White Horse Christian Retreat Center is a known owner operated entity where the Deep South Star Gaze and the Deep South Spring Scrimmage have been held for the past 7 years. In respect to observing there, the skies limiting magnitude can reach a naked eye limiting magnitude of 6.5 on exceptional nights and quite often we get readings of 6.4 using a Sky Quality Meter. This is a Bortle 4 sky which on occasion gives us a Bortle 3 reading. In addition the horizons are relatively low with Omega Centaurs being viewable at 12 degrees above the true horizon in April and May.

White Horse’s amenities include large areas suited for observing the night sky coupled with buildings that include bunks, heat and a/c, food service as needed plus internet make it appealing. In the main bunk house we can sleep a total of 14 people on lower bunks with the bunk above them suitable for storage or for a bunk for a child if necessary. The main bunk house has 3 showers (each private), 3 toilets (each private) and 4 wash basins in the common part of the bathroom. The main building where we can eat, watch tv and movies and use the internet also has a small private room with bathroom suitable for couples.

The main building and the main bunkhouse are each about 50 yards from the main observing field. The area commonly used by those who have used White Horse with rv’s or campers is about 100 yards from the main building. Exterior lights are well controlled and there is a/c access on the main observing field and in the area where the rv’s and campers are commonly set up.

Carol Nicaud, the owner of the White Horse Christian Retreat Camp is excited about working with us and such an arrangement will fulfill our needs for a good observing location. As already proposed I think we can expand our use of White Horse beyond the annual Deep South Star Gaze/ Spring Scrimmage.

So this is our agreed terms with Carol:

The Pontchartrain Astronomy Society will contract with the White Horse Christian Retreat Center and utilize the facilities there 4 times per calendar year (date specifics below).

(Note - the next Deep South Star Gaze is scheduled for Saturday November 15th to Thursday November 20th (5 nights) and the upcoming Spring Scrimmage is scheduled for Wednesday April 23rd to Sunday April 27th ( 4 nights). Both of those being totally separate from this arrangement.)

Note too that as with the Deep South Star Gaze and our old SPMOS site there are rules of behavior that have to be followed in order to participate. Most are common sense including arrival and departure times at night (no driving in after dark with headlights on and setting up equipment for observing using headlights or flashlights. In the coming weeks we will print something to cover this in more detail.

Note too that while many of us are gun owners guns are to be kept in vehicles and not worn on your body at these events. No exceptions, please do not violate this rule that all officers are in agreement on. If anyone cannot comply with this rule you should not attend. More about this when we print detailed rules of behavior for dark sky events.

Our four 2 night "visits" will be:

March 28th & 29th (Friday and Saturday nights) with a few nights shift possible.

May 23rd & 24th (Friday and Saturday nights) with a few nights shift possible.

September 19th & 20th (Friday and Saturday nights) with a few nights shift possible.

October 17th & 18th (Friday and Saturday nights) with a few nights shift possible.

Rooms available to us will be the couples room in the main building as well as a second room being revamped in a similar manner. Additionally we will have use of the main bunk house with full bathroom directly behind the main building (where we eat, check internet and hold programs).

Reservations to be made in advance, we will print more about this in coming weeks. While there is no registration fee, we do have to know who is coming and we want all that are coming and staying to expect a place to bed down.

The Pontchartrain Astronomy Society will subsidize what our club members pay individually for lodging space. Our subsidy includes an anonymous donation. In total the subsidy will be $250 per event (4 per year). On top of that attending individuals will pay a fee of $20 per night for a bunk, $10 for a tent and $20 for an rv/camper.

Non-club members will be invited to participate with us but their fees to White Horse will not be subsidized. They are subject to the full nightly fee which is $35 per night per person in a bunk house, $35 per night for a camper or rv and $15 per night per tent. As an alternative to this non-club member can join the Pontchartrain Astronomy Society and the $40 paid to our club will be recouped by little more than one stay at White Horse during the 4 weekends outlined above.

Any questions? Please respond here.

Barry Simon

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