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The Spring Scrimmage begins Wednesday May 1st
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As of today, Friday April 26th, we have 14 who have registered or firmly tell me they are attending and will register on site , they are:

Philpot, Len

Simon, Barry

Kern, David

Kern, Clariza

Danielson, Mike

Wertelecki, Taras

Diaz, David

Martinez, John

Keating, Ron

Thompson, Greg

Harrison, Steve

Johnson, Bill

Junius, Ralph

McCormick, Lowell

In addition I know of at least 4 or 5 more that will likely attend but have not given their commitment so I am not counting them yet.

While the Spring Scrimmage runs from Wednesday, May 1st to Sunday, May 5th no one is obligated to either register for or to stay for the whole 4 nights of the Scrimmage. Some have registered for just two nights with the intention of watching the weather and coming for what they feel will be the two best nights and that is ok. When you register you are assigned to a bunk house and a bunk in that bunk house is yours for the duration, whether you first arrive on Wednesday or some other day. Additionally if you initially register for 2 nights and come on Wednesday but later decide to stay additional nights, that is ok too.

Remember to bring your own sleeping bag or bedding with pillow, etc. and anything you need to shower and dry. That is not provided. Any questions have been answered in past posts. Just bring it completed with you, but let me know either here or by emailing me directly if you plan to attend and you need a registration form emailed to you.

Note too that the White Horse Retreat Camp has darker skies than the PAS observing site (SPMOS). Additionally it has lower horizons so deep sky objects like the Omega Centauri globular cluster can be seen from White Horse. It cannot be seen from SPMOS. To get darker skies with the amenities we have at White Horse such as television, movies, and internet, you would have to travel many of hundreds of miles further from home.

Barry Simon

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