See this ad for an overview -
Note that when new these binoculars sold for over $2000.00
The pair in this AstroMart ad with tripod was offered for $1580.00
The pair that I am selling, virtually identical, is being offered at $800.00
These binoculars come in a metal clad aluminum case for the binoculars. The binoculars include a 50 mm finder plus two 25x eyepieces (they are 23.9 mm eyepieces) that are used in the 45 degree angle eyepiece receptacles.
These binoculars belong to a friend who is downsizing out of the hobby due to health and a move to Georgia. The binoculars have been used rarely. I would purchase them for me if I did not have my Miyauchi 100 mm binoculars.
They will work with any pair of 1.25" eyepieces up to a pair that would yield about 75X (note - a pair of 15 mm eyepieces would give you 40x and 10 mm eyepieces would give you 60x
I have photos. Email me or message me back here and I will send some directly to you.
You can also see photos by going to Deep South Message Board and seeing this advertisement there.
Barry Simon
504 481-2450